Sunday, March 1, 2015

Welcome to Project Jay Lar!

Hey, welcome to me new blog. I'm Jay Lar and this is Project Jay Lar.

For years, I've been doing these drawings in my spare time. The drawings started as a game I used to play with an old girlfriend. One of us would draw a random shape, and the other would have to fill it in and  make it look like something. Could be anything, as long as it was something. The results were often unexpected and usually hilarious (and I will post some of these early drawings in the future). It was a great way to spend the evening of a cold Montreal winter.

Eventually my girlfriend and I broke up, but I kept playing the drawing game in my spare time over the years, and eventually started to build up quite a few of these things. This being the digital age, I thought "Why not put them on a blog?" Which, of course leads is to this present post. The blog that nobody knows about.

And so I present to you some of my wacky drawings, in no particular order. One a day until I run out, or the world ends, or I do. I also may chirp in with a bit of writing or whatnot from time to time, but don't hold me to that. I am a total flake.

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About Me

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Been dirtying my hands with screen printing, drawing and graphic arts since you were old enough to watch. I also make clothes. So nya.